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Welcome to SUTTONfx

Suttonfx started in 2021 as a lay-led Christian initiative. We're passionate about building bridges within our community. How? Through projects like championing the Dr. George Community Garden, the Chatty Cafe and creating Care Leaver Kits.

But our story doesn't end there. As we grow, we aim to nurture a space for spiritual exploration and development, fostering a community of faith.

Towards a fresh expression of Church

We are looking to find new ways of being Church and gathering a new worshipping community that draws its members from the unchurched and de-churched.  


What is a Fresh Expression?

A Fresh Expression is a new form of church.  It is a new type of being a Christian community that emerges within contemporary culture and engages primarily with those who don’t "go to church".

If a Fresh Expression emerges in Sutton it will come into being through the principles of listening, loving service, community development.  It will lead people to Christ and make disciples and become a mature expression of church fitted for its cultural context.

Where does it operate?

This is a project focusing on Sutton Deanery.  

Our Ground Rules:

Who is the contact for the project?

Jeff Richards, Licensed Lay Minister,

Jeff reports to the Archdeacon of Reigate, The Venerable Moira Astin.

Safeguarding information.